Helen Stokes-Lampard
10:26 AM -
Academy Matters
06:31 PM -
Year in numbers
23:59 pm -
Foundation Programme
10:42 AM -
Assessment Committee
10:33 AM -
Exam Delivery Group
12:16 PM -
Joint Academy Training Forum
16:41 pm -
Academy Trainees
03:49 PM -
SAS chat
10:00 AM -
Patient Lay Committee
09:32 AM -
Arrivals and departures
Last Word
9:00 AMCharles Winstanley

Helen Stokes-Lampard
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Hi @HSL – so every year we do the annual review and we always try to make it a bit more interesting than the year before….

Yes. Go on…

Lasst year’s was OK – we did that Zoom movie thing for the title page. So this year, given that what’s app has been such a thing with everyone – I want to use our WhatsApp conversations what do you think?

Not convinced it would work 🤔 Might seem a bit glib or gimmicky

Go for it 👍

OK ta – it might fail, we’ll see.😬

I’ve been thinking

Oh dear 😱

We could do videos as well. What do you think Helen? Is that doable?

Like this?

Yes Brilliant – exactly like that! 🏄♂️ 🏄♂️ 🏄♂️


OK it might work.

At a guess, how much of our work has been Covid related in the last year would you say?
Probably Half?

More. Difficult to judge

Everything has some sort of Covid tinge I think

It has been a huge focus for our work.

OK, so what are the COVID-19 Academy headlines?

- The pandemic continues (but we are cautiously optimistic that fewer people are dying as the vaccination programme expands)
- The impact on services – preparing for service restoration – which, along with workforce is going to be THE big ticket item next year
- The impact on staff
- Vaccination programme
- Involvement in national advice and guidance – regular meetings with Chris W, Steve P, Matt H
- Education. Our central role in terms of liaison with SEBs and GMC. Changing exams, Impact on education/progression. Future of education and exams

And remote working made somethings easier and some things harder


Alastair, just on your point about impact of Covid on staff – did you mean long term impacts on staffing?

Yes but also on burn out and pressure on staff now


Besides Covid what are the other highlights of the year?. Something more positive – if there’s such a thing? What about medical leadership? Helen? Any thoughts?


Agreed. There were other positives looking back. 👍 Brexit wasn’t the disaster we were fearing it would be this time last year. We did some great partnership working with RCN, the BMA, Confed and Providers on workforce statements – in fact the current partnership working to get a sensible amendment to the Health and Care Bill has been pretty amazing too.


what are we going to say about Matt Hancock?


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😊 We can’t ignore it can we?

hmmmmmmm lets find somewhere else to reflect on that 🤭



I’ll start another group called Academy matters, which can focus on things like AH stepping back from full time, Amy joining and more policy stuff. Helen is there anything else you want to put in this bit? Is there anything you’re especially proud of?


Thanks @HSL – just to say…. It’s too late to go back to the standard way of doing these reviews. I just hope it works. Thanks for the 🎥


I’m still not convinced 😊


+44 7700 900066
Tank fly boss walk jam nitty-gritty. You’re listening to advice from Professor Chris Whitty. This is jam hot!

Academy Matters
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Mr Henderson I need a section for the review on operational activities mainly. Could you do me a couple of paragraphs on policy priorities please.

I’ve already done it – Rosie has put it on the website. It’s a sort of retrospective of what we achieved in our policy priorities (Workforce, Education and Training, System Improvement and a Sustainable future for the NHS)

Thanks. What were the stand-out things for you? Rose? Any thoughts?

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To be honest I think we have made good progress in all areas, 👍 workforce in all its guises is going to be the big-ticket item going forward without a doubt. But system improvement – especially around recovery and dealing with the backlog will be a huge focus.

We need to mention the patient safety work with HEE and the genomics work and we probably need to give an update on MTI too.

Cool – can you write something – needs to be short. Thanks. Do we need to say anything about Invited Reviews?

I think everyone knows where we’re at with that thanks.

I think everyone knows where we’re at with that thanks.

Here’s the Genomics, Patient Safety and MTI updates.


Right, I have about two weeks left before I need to get this to our web guy. What else are we going to put here? I have added Amy to the group

You probably should say I am the new COO. I have a background in HR and will be focusing on areas such as finance, IG, IT and HR as we move forward. I will also be handling all the business contracts

I think we should probably say that I am now part-time thanks to Amy. 😁

Ha ha – thanks Alastair! I am really enjoying it … Great work and great people and I had no idea how much you all do.

And can we have your photo?



oh you didn’t mean me! 🤦

Can we talk about ventilating the office when we return to work?

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You probably do need to say staff are continuing to work from home. It continues to be OK although we are slowly returning and having meetings at Dallington Street.

I do think people are now genuinely asking when all this is going to end.

Not for the review though.

No, but staff are continuing to work from home. It continues to be OK, although we are slowly returning and having meetings at Dallington Street and are looking forward to being in the office together soon. It will be great to meet all the Academy staff in person.

Rethinking Medicine – that’s progressing well and will be big for us in the coming year.

Yes, and EBI has been incredibly successful over the year, and its new home on an Academy website

Guys just wanted to say thanks for a brilliant year as your clinical fellow. My report seems to have landed well with members. And we’ve just completed Learning from Covid-19 – the movie. I hope you like it. I have had an amazing time. stay in touch 😊

OK I think that’s everything. We’ll be here forever otherwise and who actually reads long annual reviews anyway?

Year in numbers
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Zero 🥪provided for meetings

1 new Secretary of state 🤯 😱

37 📅 🤝 Online meetings in any given week for the Chair of Council

20 👴🤝Meetings with Chris Whitty

27 Meetings with Steve Powis

1 New member 👋 🦷
Welcome Faculty of Dental Surgeons of Edinburgh!

7 Stories in

13 Stories elsewhere 📰 📺 📻

18 empty desks

Foundation Programme
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

The new Foundation Programme curriculum has been approved 👏👏👏 – congratulations to you and the committee on all your work. Great to bring foundation training up-to-date and simplify the assessment process.

Thanks Alison. 🙏There’s now a clear statement on the equity of mental and physical health care and explicit requirements for an understanding of social wellbeing as part of healthcare. Plus we have helped address differential attainment with a clear statement on the need for equality and fairness in training.

How are we progressing with curriculum roll-out ahead of the summer ’21 launch?

I’ve been working with UKFPO on a comms plan, with content tailored to both trainees and educators across all four nations of the UK. Published here: https://foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/curriculum/new-uk-foundation-programme-curriculum-2021/

That sounds great. 👍Coming out of the HEE Foundation Programme Review, the Academy is also working on developing a near-peer support scheme for foundation doctors, and reviewing membership and support options available for foundation doctors among the Royal Colleges.

How are we getting on with finding a new Vice-Chair? We should thank John Lowe for his excellent input over the last three years. 🙏

Delighted to confirm Fiona Cameron has now been approved as the new committee Vice-Chair – this will be a great opportunity for her to build on her work leading the assessment arm of the new Foundation Programme curriculum. 👏

Assessment Committee
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

What do you think the key achievements of the AAC have been this year Gareth?

Well it’s certainly been a whole new experience all working together remotely on Teams during such a busy period, but it’s been great to see the colleges work together so well during the pandemic and establish effective working relationships with the GMC and SEBs.

Most of the hard work has been focused around facilitating trainee progression with exams, ARCPs and derogations during the pandemic, but there have been other pieces of work going on in the background

Yes I took over as Chair from Gareth in October and there has been a lot of business around reasonable adjustments for candidates sitting exams. The wider stakeholder group was so helpful to develop the proposal and business case for appointing a central joint college assessor to assess challenging RA cases received by colleges. It’s been a lot of work, and now we just need to wait and see which colleges will take up the offer! 🤞

It’s also been vital to continue dialogue with the GMC on differential attainment following their report last autumn (How to support successful training for black and minority ethnic doctors: actions and case studies for medical royal colleges and faculties)

The workshop we co-host with the GMC on DA at the end of this year should help colleges to understand the action plans that the GMC will require colleges to produce in 2022. 👍

Exploring the longer-term plans for exams has been interesting and now we will continue to progress our piece of work facilitating ED&I impact assessments of online exams across specialties.

The data from this will be essential for colleges when they are applying for permanent approval for their online exams with the GMC.

It will also be interesting to run a session on exams versus assessment in the workplace at DEMEC this year. I reckon this will be a hot topic as we emerge from the pandemic.

Exam Delivery Group
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

This group was only established during the pandemic but it has really delivered for colleges and the GMC in the past year. Fantastic participation with an average attendance of 38 reps logging into Teams meetings 👍

Yes the challenge has been turning work around in such tight timeframes and for colleges to move their exams online so quickly. Well done to colleges! 🌟

But it has been an excellent forum for colleges to share lessons learned while developing their online exams. I think the live Teams spreadsheet for colleges to share a variety of issues which have arisen during this process has been really valuable to members. It demonstrated how issues have been handled and also highlighted best practice.

Thanks also to the group for feeding in and helping shape GMC policy on online exam delivery and exam approval

An important part of the year was producing and updating the live repository of exam cancellations and trainees affected at the height of the pandemic. This informed SEBs across all four nations.

It was great to see the Academy publishing such supportive statements such as the one on the importance of candidates and examiners travelling to exams where necessary

When I took over as Chair in October 2020 the work of this group was very fast paced. We have continued to focus on exams and the Academy now host a central repository of all college exam dates on the Academy website.

It’s important that we also look at any new and unusual ways of cheating with online exam delivery, which is why we have asked colleges to send us information on all cases of cheating.

Yes and this will inform us to review the Academy guidance on academic dishonesty

Joint Academy Training Forum
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Hi Emma and Namita, it’s been a busy 12 months for JATF keeping up with all the issues linked with ensuring trainees can progress during the pandemic

👋There has been so much going on with ARCPs, recruitment, exams and curriculum derogations – JATF has been a really useful forum to distribute updates and ensure college education leads are kept up to date!

My first meeting as co-chair was September and it’s been fantastic to have engagement across colleges, deans and statutory education bodies 😊

It’s been a real win securing funding from the GMC to develop frameworks for shared learning in areas such as eating disorders and learning disabilities 🏆

👍 Yes this work can now move forward to deliver the necessary frameworks of content as well as a replicable process over the next 1-2 years.

The pandemic has led to the need for guidance to be developed by HEE on placement of doctors in training in the independent sector. Thanks to JATF members for contributing to the development of this guidance. 🙏

This guidance is an excellent example of a positive outcome from the pandemic 👏

There have been lots of other pieces of work going on in the background. It was great to get the guidance for flexibility signed off in June last year and gap analysis continues to progress.

Over to HEE with this now as they have agreed to develop an e-portfolio tool which will record experiences and enable gap analysis for trainees exiting foundation and re-entering training later on.

It’s been very helpful for JATF members to have direct input into pieces of work such as development of the GMC credentials and HEE enhancing generalist skills. 👍

Differential attainment remains high on the agenda too and we will be working with the AAC to take this forward with colleges over the coming months.

It’s my last meeting in September and we need to plan for my successor 📆 👋

We’ll be sorry to see you go Emma, thanks for all your hard work during such a busy 18 months! 🙏

Academy Trainees
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Since taking over as Chair of the ATDG in autumn ’19, it’s been a busy time. The best bit has been seeing stakeholders increasingly seeking the trainee voice and input. 🏅

Yes, lots of discussion about exams, recruitment, trainee progression and recovery at the moment – good opportunities to feed in experiences of/ views from the College and Faculty trainee committees.

I think it’s important for us to highlight that training and service recovery are interlinked. Trainees have played and will continue to play a big role in delivering patient care.

We have lots of ongoing work underway despite the pandemic too. Thanks to ATDG for developing a content plan for a post-foundation e-portfolio and for feeding into work on near-peer support for foundation doctors and national discussions on medical retention.

We need to open elections for new Vice-Chairs. Sending thanks to Simon Fleming for all his work on the committee. 🙏🏻

The new Vice-Chairs have been approved – I’ll give a warm welcome to Josh Burke and Hannah Baird, joining Matthew Roycroft and Daniel Wilkes. 🎉🎉

👍 Thanks Alison – time to start succession planning too, as I’ll be stepping down in Nov! Hannah is planning some great work on supporting trainees in leadership roles. It’ll be really valuable to expand our support for trainees in these positions, particularly after the challenges of the last year.

SAS chat
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Congratulations on the tenth anniversary of the Academy SAS Committee! The blog post featuring views from past/present Chairs is now live: https://www.aomrc.org.uk/blog/tenth-anniversary-of-the-academy-sas-committee/ 🎉 🎉

Thank you – great to showcase what we’ve accomplished. 2021 is a big year for SAS – we’ve an important opportunity to help shape aspects of the new Specialist Grade being agreed by NHS Employers and the BMA.

The generic capabilities framework and template person spec are finalised and ready to go live, and the concordat for Colleges’ involvement in recruitment to the new Specialist Grade has now been agreed with NHS Employers and BMA. 👏

How are our publication plans progressing? The committee has been working on lots of new outputs to support and develop the SAS community.

All statements available here: https://www.aomrc.org.uk/sas-doctors/ Over the last year we’ve published papers on involvement of SAS in research; SAS wellbeing; improving experiences of SAS in later careers and retirement; strengthening the role of SAS Tutor; rhetoric vs reality; and supporting appraisal for the SAS workforce.

We should get started on plans for the 2022 Academy National SAS Conference. A big thanks is due to RCOG/FSRH for hosting the 2020 event, especially when the pandemic pushed it all online 🙏. We covered a lot of territory, from leadership and behaviours in healthcare to CESR, autonomous practice and new Specialist Grade.

Great participation too – we had 171 attendees and there was lots of activity on social media – especially Twitter. Looking forward to building on these successes next year.

Patient Lay Committee
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Kate T
Hi Ros, Max is asking for some content of the committee’s key achievements this year.

Kate T
Of course, there was the Effective patient and public involvement guide

Kate T
What else would you like me to put?

Ros L
👏 OK well there was the Patient Seminar where we discussed health inequalities and test and trace plus children and young peoples’ experiences during Covid. Here’s the link to that.

Kate T
Thanks Ros! 👍We should also say what the key results were when we surveyed patients: 86% of those surveyed said that patient and public involvement at the Academy was either good or excellent. We had fantastic feedback on how much the patient involvement had improved and how people found the seminar and the guide we produced really helpful.

Kate T
I think it would be good to add what the discussion points were on the APLC. I know we’ve worked to make sure patient views were taken into account in the development of the successor Medical Appraisal 2020. We also had some patient and lay comments taken into account in the broad-based training curriculum.

Ros L
Yes, and APLC comments on patient voice in the Health and Care Bill are being considered by the Academy. Of course we discussed Covid in all its guises. We also held two extra roundtable discussions with Dr Cian Wade about health inequalities – avoiding potential related harm to people from groups who experience health inequalities in the healthcare system.

Kate T
Yes, and we’ve also been in regular touch with our wider Stakeholder Reference Group to engage them in our work. And there were the blogs you wrote – here’s the links same but different and Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater

Arrivals and departures
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Faculty of Dental Surgery

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Royal College of Surgeons of England

Royal College of Pathologists

Faculty of Occupational Medicine

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Faculty of Dental Surgery of Edinburgh

Last Word
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Last word - Charles Winstanley
It’s been another truly extraordinary year.
Here’s my full report.